10News reports that a teen encountered a great white shark while fishing about two miles off of Windansea Beach in La Jolla.
Great white shark expert Patrick Douglas told 10News there are a good number of great whites currently feeding in the waters off the San Diego coast.
For that reason, he said, surfers need to pay extra close attention to their surroundings.
Douglas reviewed the above video and said based on his measurements, he estimates the shark to be about 14 feet long. He said surfers statewide should be careful.
“If you’re a surfer early morning surfs and late afternoon surfs — I’d put that aside for the next two months,” said Douglas. “I know that most surfers don’t listen to that, but word to the wise do not surf in the morning, do not surf late at night.”
The photo below is courtesy of the National Geographic web site and is used to accentuate any fear you have of sharks.

As far as the video, fisherman Charlie Saraspe, 16, was on his boat alone Wednesday when he came across a great white shark.
“I was standing on the bow and I was thinking what if a wave hits me right now and I fall in,” said Saraspe. “That’s no good.”
Saraspe took 10News out to the same spot Thursday.
Saraspe said he was cruising on his boat looking for yellowtail when he came across a giant pool of blood and a half-eaten harbor seal.
He could not believe his eyes when the shark surfaced and whipped its tail.