“One Word… Plastics.” What Would You Do With A Proposed Plastic Ban?

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In the movie Mrs. Robinson, Dustin Hoffman receives this prophetic advice.

The city of Encinitas is again considering the banning of plastic bags.

Additionally, there would be a charge for paper bags.

Single-use carryout bags would be banned from all Encinitas businesses and restaurants. The goal is to reduce waste and encourage locals to provide their own reusable bags.

A similar plastic ban was discussed in 2008, but an ordinance never got proceeded.

Understandably, merchants in Encinitas are concerned about how their customers will feel about paying for paper bags they’re used to getting for free.

What will you do if a plastic bag ban is implemented?
* Pay the dime for a paper bag?
* Shop in another city?
* Bring a reusable bag to market?
* Hoarde everything up in your arms and carry out your purchase?
* Welcome it?

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The Majestic Plastic Bag – A Mockumentary

CNN broadcast on plastic bags.

Plastic bag recycling

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