A huge group of people had been heading out to the water at the Encinitas Moonlight Beach in state California during a middle school cross country race. Red waves were also being produced from the water. People were not sure what exactly was that for since it didn’t have to do anything with the middle school’s cross country race
7/11/12 On the evening of the Mayor and majority’s performance piece on the Hall park and Moonlight Beach bundled financial package, Gerald Sodomaka reads his report of the historic oversights, the financial flaws as he sees them. Jerry shows the real weariness (no doubt shared by so many who have been involved and vigilant activists) that years of betrayal, lies, mismanagement and accusations can cause. This clip will represent the only record that – yet again – facts and history are still manipulated. We are particularly looking at you Jim Bond who even after Jerry spoke had to shake the etch-a-sketch and create his tale of his best intentions from the past.
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