www.socalbeachmag.net Come with us on our swimsuit modeling photo shoot with swimsuit model Cami at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas. Moonlight Beach is a popular surf spot and also a popular spot for sexy swimsuit and bikini models. For more swimsuit and swimwear models visit the SoCal Beaches Magazine website at www.socalbeachmag.net

Visit the 2008 Wavecrest Woodie Car Show at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas. The Wavecrest Woodie car show is held each year on the third weekend of September. It is put on by the San Diego Woodie club and is the largest woodie car show in the country. For photos and more videos from the Wavecrest Woodie Show visit the SoCal Beaches Magazine website at www.socalbeachmag.net or visit us on Myspace.com/socalbeachesmagazine
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Show some boobs
Perverts a bikini model is showing off the bikini not her body
ok,she can walk up and turn around and walk back,im impressed.