The Switchfoot Bro-Am at moonlight beach in Encinitas, Ca. The bro-am is a fun surf contest and music festival put on in order to raise money for charities like Carehouse. Enjoy…
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So the boys thought to bring a little East coast to the west coast now. Here’s a little Beastie Boys! The 7th annual Switchfoot Bro-am fundraiser at Moonlight Beach in encinitas Cailifornia. This fundraiser raises money for the homeless here in San Diego
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“…Like a box of chocolates, you know what I mean?”
That was truly touching, Tim is the greatest. Switchfoot is most spectacularly amazing band in the entire world.
No questions about that. And the most amazing people 
haha. when tim is interviewed he takes the microphone from the guy. haha. oh tim. aww…that kid that got the skate board. jon, “like a box of chocolates, you know what i mena?” haha. these guys are so hilarious and so sweet at the same time!
wut song is jason mraz playing?
timmy curran is awesome.. i love his cd… and jason mraz is freaken great… i lvoe live high…
all those artists are great. i wouldnt expect even a band like switchfoot to pull that much talent together. wow. mraz rocks
i love how Tim is smiling through most of the time he talks…. He’s such a great role model… and he shows how much he really cares for others… and what Jon says at the very end is just hilarious… AND its a great metaphor! =)
Está buenísimo!! Soy de Argentina y espero que algun día Switchfoot venga aquí, porque aca hay muchas fanáticas!!