SUBSCRIBE George grabs a quick bite to eat at a gas station. He show that you can heat healthy vegetation food in the most unlikely of places. He also comments on general health in american and how we can encourage each other on the internet to change the directin of our health. Welcome to George4Title! I’m just a guy featuring random news and interviews from Southern California. We’ve been featured on Fox News, NBC, RT, Al Jezeera, French TV, Infowars, Tosh.0, ComedyCentral and many others. Contact G4T? Email: george4title(AT) Google Plus: George Hemminger George’s Donation Link: PO BOX 70834 Riverside, CA 92513-0834
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The best way to eat meat is grilled.
Just eat healthy and stay away from any generically modified food and foods stored in plastics.
I’m eating healthy and juicing but, drinking tequila every night.
Feeling very guilty
I never had raw Jersey cow milk until I visited a dairy co-op around Yellow Springs, Ohio in the ’70s. GOOD! I mentioned this to my Pennsy Dutch father and he explained that the reason he didn’t drink milk much was that he remembered the real stuff, and the mass produced stuff was unpalatable to him. My French spouse REFUSED to eat eggs, bread, cheese or milk in the US and now I know why since I live in Europe now. My best to you.
I have some raw milk vending machine videos up from here in France you might like. I have two channels here and am “LisaFalour” on Dailymotion. If you type “raw milk Lisa Falour” at least one ought to pop up. These are so cool, only cow milk, but I get horse milk here and also there is a goat farm near me with cheese vending machines and I call it ‘goat-a-matic!” That’s for when their shop is closed. Everyone loves to see the goat farm near me in Paris, it is way cool.
I do enjoy raw stuff and they eat raw meat and eggs here in France sometimes. It can be great for us when we know what it is but really, the whole fad diet thing … I’m getting older now and have seen the damage done! It is funny, my French inlaws would find it odd that I might serve a little salad of RAW MILD PEPPERS. That was a bit extreme, they kind of wanted to eat cooked mush all the time. But hey, they were/are peasant stock. THEY SORT OF KNOW.
I swear, I ended up with e-coli and was hospitalized in 2000 for TEN DAYS after eating some take out sushi in Paris. I like the stuff but it’s like, are my papers in order, are my bills paid? There is SUCH a good documentary series about French peasants, and the guy revisited after some years. It is only in French, however, as far as I know, and dang it is hard for me to understand! These are NOT people who have studied elocution! It’s quite amazing.
I agree, I cook everything. Never would think of eating sushi. (Although I do sample the wild berries off the bushes)
Raw foods are overrated. Ask a poor black person from the old times or a peasant in France and they will say cook them and drink the pot likker if you like, as there are parasites and other problems with “too much raw.” I’ve had a real education over here in Europe eating with genuine peasants. They either die really young or stay spry a long time. They eat stuff that looks super scary at first. Very active, clean living people, they have to be — farmers mostly.
im making a vegeterian stew right now in a slow cooker. i just have 2 bags of fresh chopped veg with sweede a potato and pearl barley and the stock. ill see how it turns out.
GMO restaurants
I’m a trucker and I don’t eat junk,,,food. I eat healthy bio veggies and fruits. Eat a lot of beans and rice and not much meat. I’m 48 and I feel great. I also make my own wheat tortillas, and it’s not expenssive. Lots of people don’t eat healthy because they say that there is no taste. A good glass of v8 and a tomato sandwich with salt, pepper, whole wheat bread, lettuce and low fat mayonaise has a very good taste. I also eat healthy pizza that I make myself with whole wheat pita bread.
good bro we’ll be watching. upload videos and people will really keep you accountable
I don’t eatraw foods. I do have large garden and we only plant hierloom seeds, using natuaral fertilizers. I love meats and I doubt if it its the meat that is killing people. (some maybe) I think it is the store bought veggies covered in different chemicals along with GMO seeds. A lot of diseases inflicting the young were diseases of the aged, years ago and the only thing changed was GMO an chemical fertilizers. (along with plastic containers)
GMO tomatoes?
I drank raw grass fed milk! =)
Yes, Monsanto and the great Dow company. Here the politicians are nothing but trash, they dont care about or represent the people as they should.
They care about lying their way into office by saying whatever people want to hear, then when they finally get elected all they do is take bribes from corporations like Monsanto and pharmaceutical corporations and then retire from politics wealthy individuals.
interesting….hmm…yeah MonSatan, the same people who lovingly brought us “Agent Orange” and gave my uncle cancer from it, who just passed away, Vietnam War Vet.
LOL…George you are going to town on that thing!
They wont do it here in USA because Monsanto lobbys too hard to get the “organic” labeling guidelines blurred in order to maintain their grip on crops (largely corn).
Monsanto basically bribes their way through the FDA and then in turn the FDA passes whatever guidelines that Monsanto executives see fit.
I mainly just walk everywhere and stretch for exercise for now.
I ate garbanzo beans and brown rice and some pineapple and a blue corn buckwheat cake which I baked with carrot. It was good.
Interesting title for the video. The diseases you mentioned are really starting to freak me out as I’m hearing about various people dropping dead from these same sort of diseases it seems everyday. Many of those afflicted and even killed by these diseases half of the time weren’t even in their 40’s or 50’s even but considerably younger. As for your veggie wrap, with the exception of the cheese you mentioned was in the wrap, the wrap ingredients sounded very good.
I LOVE George’s idea of being accountable for what we eat by posting what we eat here on his videos. I have been thinking about trying the raw food diet for a very long time now. I want to lose 60 lbs and the raw food diet sounds like a good way to go. Tomorrow will be Day 1. Thanks for being such an inspiration George.
sorry, i meant “soil that has NOT used pesticides for 3+ years”, not the best ever, but you have to start somewhere, right?
Yes, I agree with you, BUT which is more likely to have less pesticides? something labeled Organic or something that you know was sprayed with all kinds of stuff? Where I live they differentiate between “no pesticides” and “no pesticides and not grown in soil that has used pesticides for 3+ years”, here in South Korea, if South Korea can do that, maybe the good old USA should up its game and start doing the same. It is not the best ever, but if given the chance, organic is probably better.peace