SUBSCRIBE I talk with Paul a back packer who unplugged from the matrix about 1 month ago. He hails from Baltimore Maryland where he worked as a janitor for 5 years. His real passion is writing and is finding that he has more time to write and build interesting experiences by quitting his job, traveling hiking, camping and taking time away from tv, the internet and the 9 to 5 grind. We talk with him today about alternative ways to travel when he is off the trail in the city. Welcome to George4Title! I’m just a guy featuring random news and interviews from Southern California. We’ve been featured on Fox News, NBC, RT, Al Jezeera, French TV, Infowars, Tosh.0, ComedyCentral and many others. Contact G4T? Email: george4title(AT) Google Plus: George Hemminger George’s Donation Link: PO BOX 70834 Riverside, CA 92513-0834
Video Rating: 4 / 5
SAN DIEGO (CBS 8) – A local stand-up paddle-boarder spoke to News 8 about his close encounter with what scientists say was a great white shark. The picture, featured in this story, shows Buck Elsmore staring in disbelief as he spotted a shark fin close to his paddle-board off Moonlight Beach in Encinitas, back in the fall. After looking at the photo, an expert at Scripps Institution of Oceanography says the fin likely belonged to a juvenile great white shark.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
good for you bro
every day during the week bro
That’s great you’ve cut back on the coffee and cigarettes and are feeling better. It’s a process and yes it all can be a learning experience. Learning what makes you feel good. For real.
so it should absorb fluoride as it passes through your body? I wonder.
good point. I have been a coffee addict and nicotine too. I’ve cut way back lately and do feel better. I drink green tea after 6pm now. lol I wish I could go back and never start those but I guess that’s how you learn. lol
They’re both bad for the liver, kidneys, bladder, heart, stomache, pancreas, spleen, etcc. If you look 35 and your 48 I wonder how much younger you would have looked had you never drank coffee ; ). Both caffeine and alcohol are dehydrating which can’t be good for the skin.
For me it was actually MUCH easier to quit cigarettes than coffee..
Avoid green tea, naturally it absorbs fluoride from the soil.
Lucky bastard…out at the beach!
Same here: I’ve found dozens of varieties of delicious herbal tea out there! And it’s easy to carry along a few envelopes of herbal tea for when somebody is offering coffee. My favorites: Bengal Spice, Cinnamon Apple Spice, and Sleepytime sometimes for a really good sleep.
I hate coffee actually..LOL. I get diarrhea everytime I drink it in addition to the lack of sleep and anxiety. I don’t drink coffee or regular tea…I only drink herbal tea now.
It’s just as well you don’t. Caffeine also has the property of causing blood pressure to spike. Which would make it a risk for stroke. Strokes often occur in the morning, just when a lot of people like their cup of coffee. I have learned to stay away from caffeine entirely now, but the Poles make something called Krakus which is a very delicious coffee substitute. We bought this in Canada, but maybe it’s available in the US also.
I actually was able to recalibrate my “set point” from about 208 lbs to about 145-150. I have stabilized at that weight for months now and it is very nice to find some of my favorite old clothes fit again! I still get hungry once in awhile, but love stuff like strawberries with milk and stevia – no sugar because sugar stimulates appetite. I still eat fish once in awhile. I seldom miss meat. Better digestion than ever!
I agree about food addictions. I developed a strategy to lose weight 2 years ago: I remembered as a kid that I used to go out and play for hours without feeling hungry. Then I used to have to be prodded to eat meat and veggies, etc. So my strategy was to go back to that way. I now eat a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, nothing during the day except fruit and maybe raw carrots. After a few days, my stomach learned that whenever it was hungry, that’s all it would get – appetite changed!
I have doubts about that. See that picture? That is me. I drank a pot a day for the last 20 years yet people say I look 35 and not my actual age of 48. Drinking alcohol is the much bigger destroyer than caffeine.
that’s worse than black coffee by far because of the sugar. Sugar is worse than caffeine in my opinion.
true but maybe it’s the amount of caffeine that we’d take in to get the antioxidants. I don’t think coffee is that bad but then again I wouldn’t know since I drink about 40oz. a day at least.
The simplest way to get healthy fast is to drink wheatgrass everyday.
To digiaacobbedmt: g4t has psychic abilities beyond the normal and average Human. Rest all are a bunch of professional actors from A to Z, all acting as a team.
I hate caffeine……can’t sleep and makes me anxious. thank goodness.
my correlations have been the same…
To zwikster: not heard of yellow eyes. But I’ve heard from an American woman, blue eyes are indeed rare.
I always thought that coffee had some advantages such as a lot of antioxidants.
Hey G, I have never tried this since i live overseas, but I heard that this product made of dandelions and herbs tastes like coffee “Dandy Blend”…this is their motto “Trying to quit coffee, but haven’t found an acceptable alternative? Now you have one!” Also, yes Green tea has caffeine, but I feel A LOT better after having a green tea than a coffee. Coffee constrains the cardiovascular system, as opposed to Cacao which opens up the heart and cardio system, peace
it is a Great White Shark
wow!!!!!:(Dang i wouldve ben screaming